How Can we Expect Obama to Stand with Venezuela’s Students??

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Young students protesting in the streets of Venezuela have no memory of any government other than that of President Hugo Chávez. But now that he has been gone for nearly a year, they know they don’t want to grow old under the same type of regime.

Univisions Salinas, asked Obama if the U.S. recognized Nicolas Maduro, Chavez’s handpicked heir, as the “legitimate” president of Venezuela, but Obama skirted the question. Obama has not announced any plans to interfere in Venezuela’s crisis. (they are not muslims)

Obama’s interference by sending bombs in America’s name to topple Egypt our alli and Libya. for his beloved Muslim Brotherhood. It seems the only promise Obama has kept is to Radicle Muslims when he wrote “I will stand with them (Muslims) should the political winds shift in an ugly direction”. Wake up America!! See what he does not what he say’s.
How can we expect OB to stand with Venezuela’s more educated students. They just might obtain a democracy and he could not have that competing with his dream of Global Government.

1Xm9u44 Obama has not announced any plans to interfere in Venezuela’s crisis.  Obama and his media on tv every day all day during the so called Muslim’s Arab Spring. There is little to no media coverage of Venezuela’s huge student protests.—————

By Matt Essert  (below)There is a crisis in Venezuela. Already one of the most violent places on Earth — a person is murdered every 21 minutes, and there were roughly 24,700 violent deaths last year — the country is in the throes of a massive shake-up.

For the past few months, Leopold López has led an opposition movement against President Nicolas Maduro’s government, which has been running the country into the ground. Since taking over for the deceased Hugo Chávez in April 2013, Maduro has led Venezuela to 56% inflation rate and a 50% increase in the budget deficit, prompting China to cut back on its $20 billion loan, and Moody’s and Standard & Poor to downgrade Venezuelan bonds to “junk” status. Additionally, the once-strong dollar has dropped from an 8 to 1 exchange rate relative to the U.S. dollar at Chávez’s death, to a disastrous 87 to 1. In response, Maduro has taken to blaming U.S.-backed “fascists” and the “parasitic bourgeoisie.” He has also called for more state intervention. This has only made things harder for the private sector, which has since made it nearly impossible for Venezuelans to get food and other basic material necessities.

Consequently, people like López have been leading dissatisfied Venezuelans in protest. But it wasn’t until Venezuela’s Youth Day last week that things really took a bad turn. Swarms of young people — mostly aged 18 to 25 — took to the streets to peacefully protest Maduro’s poor governance, but state police quickly tried to corral them. At least three protesters were shot dead and many more were injured. Maduro has since charged López with terrorism and murder for inciting the riots where Maduro’s government killed people.

Since then, more young people have protested Maduro’s government and the awful treatment of the Venezuelan people, especially the young people who have died during these demonstrations. Because of the government’s tight control of the news outlets and television networks, very little coverage has seeped out of the country. Young people have been using Twitter and other forms of social media to organize, but the government’s crackdown on dissent has been swift and severe.

Maduro and his many arms of government have sworn to put a hard stop to these protests and opposition groups. But the situation is spiraling further and further out of control each day.



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