Category Archives: Food Stamps

Farm Bill: Ask John Boehner- WHY is the “farm” bill 80 percent food stamps? WHY does the “farm” bill tax Christmas trees? farm” Why is the Bill 56 percent more than the last farm bill, especially given our massive federal debt?

Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) said yesterday that he will support the bloated farm bill. But as Heritage has been highlighting, this bill does not do what most people think it does. The nearly trillion-dollar bill actually doles … Continue reading

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Posted in Farm Bill, Food Stamps | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Farm Bill: Ask John Boehner- WHY is the “farm” bill 80 percent food stamps? WHY does the “farm” bill tax Christmas trees? farm” Why is the Bill 56 percent more than the last farm bill, especially given our massive federal debt?